Tübingen Regional Court also orders Daimler AG to pay damages for Mercedes-Benz GLK 220
In a court case (7 O 244/20) before the Tübingen Regional Court, Daimler AG was again sentenced to pay damages. In the case, […]
In a court case (7 O 244/20) before the Tübingen Regional Court, Daimler AG was again sentenced to pay damages. In the case, […]
Bad news for the car manufacturer from Stuttgart. The Federal Association of Consumer Organizations (vzbv) will file a so-called model declaratory action (MFK) against Daimler for installing illegal defeat devices.
vzbv files another model declaratory action – Volkswagen is followed by Daimler AG To the article »
On 30 June 2021, the Mönchengladbach Regional Court ruled in favour of our client and against Daimler AG. In the case (case no. 6 O 89/20), the Mercedes-Benz in dispute
Mönchengladbach Regional Court rules against Daimler AG To the article »
It has recently become apparent that Mercedes has installed further illegal defeat devices in Mercedes vehicles. In the oral hearing before the Federal Court of Justice, the Mercedes-Benz in question
Illegal defeat device at Mercedes-Benz To the article »
Our law firm was able to achieve further successes in the Mercedes emissions scandal before the regional courts in Essen and Bochum with a judgment dated May 17, 2021. The regional court in Essen awarded our client – the driver of a Mercedes-Benz GLK 220 CDI with Euro 5 emissions standard – a claim for damages and sentenced the
Mercedes emissions scandal: Daimler AG must pay damages to our client To the article »
The Mönchengladbach Regional Court has upheld the lawsuit against the Daimler Group and ordered it to take back a Mercedes-Benz V-Class 250d 4M (LG Mönchengladbach, judgment of 12.05.2021,
Mönchengladbach Regional Court creates clarity To the article »