In a court case (7 O 244/20) before the Tübingen Regional Court, Daimler AG was again sentenced to pay damages. In the case in dispute, Mercedes-Benz GLK 220 EU6 It was again found that illegal shutdown devices were installed. There is a justified suspicion that, among other things, a shutdown device was installed which restricted the dosage of the urea supply. "AdBlue" in the SCR catalyst. This results in lower emission values being achieved on the test bench than in regular driving conditions.
Model declaratory action brought by vzbv also concerns Mercedes GLK 220 EU6
The Federal Association of Consumer Organisations (vzbv) will file a so-called model declaratory action (MFK) against Daimler AG at the Higher Regional Court in Stuttgart. This includes various models from the Mercedes GLC and GLK series, including the Mercedes-Benz GLK 220 EU6, which is the subject of the proceedings before the Regional Court of Tübingen. However, this and many other positive judgments show that participation in the MFK against Daimler AG appears to be of little use.
Individual action more sensible than model declaratory action
Why is it advisable to file a so-called individual claim directly instead of first model declaratory action To add: Clearly, the model declaratory action does not replace the individual action. This means that even after a successful model declaratory action, in which only the general claim for damages is to be established, the personal claim for damages must still be asserted in a separate court procedure. However, many courts already affirm the claim for damages today. So why not save time and take action directly for your own success.
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