
New report confirms allegations against Daimler AG

The renowned expert and software developer Felix Domke has prepared a Daimler report that confirms the allegations against the company. He comes to the conclusion that Daimler has eight unauthorized shutdown devices in diesel vehicles. His findings are based on reading and analyzing the control software of a Mercedes Benz E-Class, which was diesel engine type OM642 is driven.

When the diesel emissions scandal became known in autumn 2015, Felix Domke had already demonstrated how the VW Group had manipulated its engines.

Report puts Daimler AG in trouble

Daimler AG has so far denied that illegal switch-off devices were installed in diesel models. However, the current report refutes this. During the extensive investigation, the engine control software of a Mercedes Benz E350 diesel vehicle analyzed in various driving situations. 10,000 kilometers were covered and the original software was compared with the update for the named engine.

Six of the eight defeat devices found affect the cleaning of exhaust gases by the SCR catalyst. The supply of urea AdBlue is significantly reduced, but this results in significantly higher NOx emissions. As soon as the average consumption of urea AdBlue is exceeded, the software switches to the "dirtier mode".

Expert opinion improves chance of compensation

So far, Daimler has hardly been ordered to pay damages for the OM642 engine, but that could change now. We therefore recommend that you claims to have it checked by us free of charge and without obligation.

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