Setzen Sie Ihren Anspruch auf Schadensersatz durch!

The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) hat am 26.06.2023 frühere Urteile von Gerichten aufgehoben, die Schadensersatzklagen abgewiesen hatten, und sie zur erneuten Prüfung zurückverwiesen. Demnach müssen Autohersteller grundsätzlich Schadensersatz für Dieselautos mit sog. Thermofenstertechnik zahlen, wenn diese nur in einem begrenzten Temperaturbereich die Abgase ordnungsgemäß von Schadstoffen reinigen.

Der Premium-Autohersteller Porsche ist ein Teil des Abgasskandals! Denn die Porsche AG stellt zwar keine eigene Dieselmotoren her, verbaut jedoch die von Audi entwickelten Antriebe. Zahlreiche Porsche-Modelle wurden mit illegalen Abschalteinrichtungen ausgestattet.

Als Porsche-Kunde sind Sie nicht nur durch Fahrverbote und eine mögliche Stilllegung Ihres Fahrzeugs, sondern auch durch den Wertverlust Ihres Autos gefährdet.

The Ex-Porsche-Vorstand Wolfgang Hatz hat im April 2023 vor Gericht gestanden die Installation der verbotenen Steuerungssoftware veranlasst zu habe. Im Mai 2023 folgte das Geständnis des Stadlers, Ex-Aufsichtsrat der Porsche Holding, der billigend in Kauf genommen hat, dass Fahrzeuge manipuliert worden sind. Dies sind sehr gute Neuigkeiten für alle, die mit Ihrer Klage gegen Porsche bislang nicht erfolgreich waren.

Wir prüfen für Sie Ihre Erfolgsaussichten wegen Prozessbetrugs Ihren Fall im Rahmen einer Wiedereinsetzungsklage neu aufrollen zu lassen. Nutzen Sie Ihre Chance und sichern Sie sich Ihren Anspruch auf Entschädigung.

Profitieren Sie von der Kompetenz und Professionalität der R&U Anwälte. Im Rahmen der initial telephone consultation prüfen wir für Sie, ob Ihr Fahrzeug vom Abgasskandal betroffen ist und erarbeiten eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung für Ihren Fall. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt Ihren Wunschtermin und informieren Sie sich ganz unverbindlich.

Jetzt unverbindlich im Porsche Abgasskandal beraten lassen!

AS - New Request
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  • legal expenses insurance
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    You too can trust the competence and assertiveness of R&U lawyers. During the initial telephone consultation, we will check for you whether your vehicle is affected by the emissions scandal and advise you individually on the best course of action. Arrange your desired appointment now without obligation.

    FOCUS online | 27.06.2023:

    The recent BGH ruling of June 26, 2023 has far-reaching implications for claims for damages in the diesel emissions scandal. Car buyers can now demand compensation even if the car manufacturers did not intentionally defraud but acted negligently. The court is overturning its previous case law and following the decision of the European Court of Justice of March 21, 2023. The ruling affects over 100,000 cases across Germany.

    affected people Porsche Models:

    Cayenne Macan Panamera

    Porsche Cayenne

    176 kW (239 PS) | 2967 ccm
    Baujahr 05/2011 - 05/2018

    Euro 5 emissions standardMotorbaureihe EA896
    193 kW (262 PS) | 2967 ccm
    Baujahr 05/2015 - 05/2018

    Euro 6 emissions standardMotorbaureihe EA897
    report of the KBA
    281 kW (382 PS) | 4134 ccm
    Baujahr 01.05.12 - 01.05.14

    Euro 5 emissions standardMotorbaureihe 4,2l
    283 kW (385 PS) | 4134 ccm
    Baujahr 05/2014 - 05/2018

    Abgasnorm Euro 5 / 6Motorbaureihe 4,2l

    Porsche Macan

    Macan S
    184 kW (250 PS) | 2967 ccm
    Baujahr 09/2014 - 02/2018

    Euro 6 emissions standardMotorbaureihe EA897 evo
    Macan S
    190 kW (258 PS) | 2967 ccm
    Baujahr 09/2014 - 02/2018

    Euro 6 emissions standardMotorbaureihe EA897 evo
    report of the KBAreport of the BMVI
    Macan S 211
    155 kW (211 PS) | 2967 ccm
    Baujahr 09/2014 - 02/2018

    Euro 6 emissions standardMotorbaureihe EA897 evo

    Porsche Panamera

    184 kW (250 PS) | 2967 ccm
    Baujahr 01.06.11 - 01.06.13

    Euro 5 emissions standardMotorbaureihe EA897
    221 kW (300 PS) | 2967 ccm
    Baujahr 01.07.13 - 01.08.15

    Motorbaureihe EA897

    What compensation options are available to affected diesel drivers?

    If your vehicle has been tampered with and has an illegal switch-off device, you are entitled to compensation. Which litigation strategy gives you the best chances and the greatest compensation depends on various factors. That is why you should seek detailed legal advice from the R&U law firm about your options. With more than 15,000 lawsuits filed, we have the experience to achieve the best result for you.

    'Major' compensation | Rescission | Return the car
    § 826 BGB
    Reversing the purchase agreement allows you to return the vehicle to the manufacturer and get the purchase price refunded. Only a so-called usage fee for the kilometers you have driven will be deducted from this. The judge will take into account the current mileage at the time of the court hearing, although the maximum mileage of your vehicle can be estimated differently from court to court. For this procedure, proof of intentional, immoral damage must be provided.

    It’s worth being quick:
    The fewer kilometers you have driven and the sooner the hearing takes place, the higher your compensation will be.

    By the way: If you have financed your vehicle, you can also claim back the financing costs incurred from the manufacturer.

    Difference compensation | Vehicle has already been sold | Reduced value higher than 15%
    § 826 BGB
    The difference in damages determines the sum between the actual value of a vehicle and the value it would have had without the fraudulent manipulation. Car owners can make this claim to compensate for the loss in value of their vehicle. In this case, it is sufficient to prove that the manufacturer acted negligently.

    'Small Damages' | Diminished Value
    § 823 BGB
    The 'small compensation' - also called 'diminished value' - is calculated from the value that the vehicle would have if no illegal defeat device had been installed, compared to the value with the defeat device installed and non-compliance with environmental standards. In our experience, car owners receive up to 25% of the purchase price as compensation and keep their vehicle.

    Lump sum compensation
    The lump sum compensation, as decided by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in June 2023 (VIa ZR: 335/21, 533/21, 1031/22) refers to a compensation range of 51% to 151% of the purchase price. This compensation is also granted without expensive expert reports. The car owner keeps his vehicle and the kilometers driven are not deducted from the compensation. This lump sum compensation compensates for your financial loss without the need for expensive expert reports.

    Calculate the amount of your refund now*

    Calculator - AS Damages

    * Calculation of the refund based on an expected (maximum) total mileage of your vehicle of 300,000 kilometers. This assessment may be judged differently by the courts.

    Welche Motorentypen sind betroffen?

    Mehrere Porsche-Modelle sind von den Abschalteinrichtungen betroffen, die der VAG-Konzern in vielen Diesel-Modellen verbaut hat. Damit haben Sie als Porsche-Besitzer gute Chancen, Ihr Fahrzeug auf dem Weg einer Individualklage rückabwickeln zu lassen. Unmittelbar betroffen sind alle Porsche Diesel-Modelle der Abgasnorm Euro 6 sowie einige Fahrzeuge der Abgasnorm Euro 5. Weitere Modelle könnten bald hinzukommen. Denn sowohl im häufig verbauten Motor EA897 als auch EA898  wurden unzulässige Abschalteinrichtungen gefunden.

    Welche Porsche wurden bislang zurückgerufen?

    Der ersten Pflichtrückrufe betraf die Porsche Cayenne 3,0 Liter TDI sowie der Porsche Macan 3,0 Liter. Im Zuge des Abgasskandals folgen immer mehr Rückruf-Anordnungen. Der KBA hat nicht nur für Porsche Fahrzeuge der Abgasnorm 6, sondern auch Modelle der Abgasnorm Euro 5 Rückrufe gefordert, darunter der Porsche Panamera 4,0 Liter und der Porsche Cayenne 4,2 Liter Euro 5. Ermittlungen bezüglich Manipulation von Benzinern laufen. 

    Current rulings in the emissions scandal:
    Judge us by our results – we congratulate our clients

    Vehicle: Porsche Macan
    mileage: 77.537 km
    Compensation: € 727,-
    LG Stuttgart | Az. 18 O 114/22 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan
    mileage: 111.809 km
    Compensation: € 46.565,-
    LG Paderborn | Az. 3 O 248/22 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Cayenne
    mileage: 73.717 km
    Compensation: € 25.491,-
    LG Krefeld | Az. 3 O 71/20 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S
    mileage: 86.174 km
    Compensation: € 49.771,-
    LG Hagen | Az. 4 O 325/20 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan
    mileage: 160.584 km
    Compensation: € 31.559,-
    LG Stade | Az. 5 O 99/20 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Cayenne 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 122.301 km
    Compensation: € 49.029,-
    LG Traunstein | Az. 9 O 1058/21 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Cayenne S 4.2 TDI
    mileage: 72.843 km
    Compensation: € 80.262,-
    OLG Köln | Az. 19 U 107/20 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 77.745 km
    Compensation: € 55.187,-
    LG München I | Az. 41 O 9400/20 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Cayenne 4.2 TDI
    mileage: 67.501 km
    Compensation: € 77.909,-
    LG Köln | Az. 37 O 92/19 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 53.370 km
    Compensation: € 69.464,-
    LG Köln | Az. 32 O 200/19 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 34.954 km
    Compensation: € 72.356,-
    LG Berlin | Az. 7 O 118/19 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 79.902 km
    Compensation: € 53.612,-
    LG Bielefeld | Az. 2 O 109/18 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 35.499 km
    Compensation: € 56.131,-
    LG Köln | Az. 36 O 265/18 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Cayenne 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 37.416 km
    Compensation: € 57.164,-
    LG Coburg | Az. 13 O 145/18 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 27.908 km
    Compensation: € 70.536,-
    LG Stuttgart | Az. 7 O 337/17 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 65.775 km
    Compensation: € 70.414,-
    LG Stuttgart | Az. 28 O 251/18 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 49.067 km
    Compensation: € 57.505,-
    LG Bayreuth | Az. 23 O 223/18 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Cayenne 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 23.022 km
    Compensation: € 67.301,-
    LG Bonn | Az. 1 O 394/17 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 36.999 km
    Compensation: € 64.959,-
    LG Bochum | Az. I-4 O 101/18 Porsche
    Vehicle: Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI
    mileage: 22.372 km
    Compensation: € 80.167,-
    LG Heidelberg | Az. 1 O 22/18 Porsche

    What shutdown techniques do car manufacturers use to manipulate exhaust gas purification?

    In the diesel scandal, different switch-off technologies (AE) are used depending on the company and vehicle type in order to manipulate the emission values. "Dirty" diesels appear "clean" at least on the test bench. In real driving conditions on the road, however, the vehicles exceed the permissible limits by several times.

    Temperature- or time-controlled shutdowns (thermal window, heating strategy)
    When certain temperatures or times are reached, the engine control software turns off the emissions control system. This may improve performance or fuel economy, but results in excessive emissions.

    Defeat Devices (test bench/driving curve detection)
    This software for controlling exhaust gas purification recognizes the exhaust gas test cycle and reduces emissions to the legally permissible range. In real driving conditions on the road, however, the limit values are exceeded many times over.

    coolant target temperature control
    With the coolant target temperature control, a software function activates a special temperature control that keeps the coolant circuit artificially colder and delays the warming up of the engine oil. This is the only way to keep the nitrogen oxide levels on the test bench below the legally prescribed limits.

    Software updates:
    Possible consequential damage to vehicles and consumers

    After the diesel scandal became known in 2015, the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) issued instructions to various manufacturers to remove the prohibited functions. In response, hundreds of thousands of car owners were asked by the manufacturers to have an update carried out on their vehicles, which included, among other things, revised engine control software.

    In general, we recommend not installing software updates that supposedly improve NOx or emission values. Engine control with the same hardware is basically a kind of "compromise" between many components, including exhaust emissions, performance, handling, consumption and durability of individual vehicle parts. It is therefore not possible to improve the exhaust emissions without accepting a deterioration in other areas.

    Consequential damages are therefore possible:

    • Shorter service life, faster wear and changed engine behavior
    • Increasing fuel and AdBlue consumption
    • Increased susceptibility to repair of engine components & increasing problems with exhaust gas purification
    • Loss of performance and reduced smoothness of the engine
    • Lack of warranty for consequential damages on the part of the manufacturer
    • Time & effort of the workshop stay (usually without being provided with a replacement vehicle)

    Does your vehicle have an unauthorized switch-off device?

    Since 2016, the German Environmental Aid (DUH) has operated an Emissions Control Institute (EKI), which carries out independent exhaust gas measurements to determine whether vehicles comply with the permissible NOx limits or have illegal defeat devices (AE).

    Find out whether your vehicle was equipped with illegal defeat devices according to the DUH investigations and whether you are entitled to compensation from the manufacturer.

    Questions about the emissions scandal

    Didn't find the right answer?

    Write your question to
    or call us:
    +49 (0)211 / 819770

    We are here for you:
    Monday to Friday 9:00 – 18:00
