VTDI emissions scandal involving VW, Audi and Porsche

For many German car manufacturers, the diesel emissions scandal is still omnipresent, including the VW Group around the subsidiary brands Audi and PorscheAfter the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) announced on its website at the beginning of 2018 that several illegal switch-off devices had been found in vehicles with a 3l or 4.2l VTDI engine As far as I could tell, some owners of affected vehicles were only informed about this in 2019 with an “individual” letter. The result: A mandatory recall in the form of a (mandatory) software updateAnyone who fails to comply with the manufacturer's request risks having the affected vehicle taken out of service by the local registration authority.

Another consequence of the letters sent to vehicle owners in 2019 could now be that any claims for damages against the manufacturers of affected vehicles could become time-barred at the end of this year. Anyone who still wants to assert their claim for damages should definitely do so this year.

Numerous judgments have already been won against VW, Audi and Porsche

In the past, we have succeeded in a number of positive judgments Claims for damages of up to €50,000 and more were enforced not only against the VW subsidiaries Audi and Porsche, but also against the parent company Volkswagen.

Among other things, we were able to obtain damages of over €72,000 for our client before the Berlin Regional Court (case no. 7 O 118/19). The subject of the dispute was a Porsche Macan S 3.0 TDI, in which the illegal switch-off devices identified by the KBA were installed. Before the Ingolstadt Regional Court (case no. 43 O 741/19), we were also able to obtain damages of over €68,000 from Audi AG for an affected Audi A6 3.0 BiTurbo. We were also recently able to obtain damages of over €49,000 from Volkswagen AG for a VW Touareg 3.0 TDI before the Bonn Regional Court (case no. 2 O 246/21). According to the judge's statements, the fact that Audi AG is responsible for the manufacture of the VTDI engines does not exclude a claim for damages against Volkswagen AG according to the plaintiff's submission.  

Federal Court of Justice also grants claim for reduced value 

Another possibility for compensation is the so-called "small damages". In its ruling of July 6, 2021 (case number VI ZR 40/20), the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) ruled that instead of reversing the transaction, injured buyers of affected vehicles can also claim the reduced value caused by the inadmissible switch-off devices, i.e. the so-called "small damages". The advantage: affected vehicle owners can keep their vehicle and still be compensated. The amount by which the value of the vehicle has been reduced can be estimated without an expensive appraisal, for example based on a percentage of the purchase price. 

Rogert & Ulbrich recommends

Do you drive an affected VW, Audi or Porsche and have received a recall letter from the manufacturer in 2019? Then you should act quickly, especially in view of the impending statute of limitations, andchances of successhave us check it.Current case law also shows that your chances have never been better.Prevent your potential claims for damages from becoming time-barred and let us examine them free of charge and without obligation. 

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