Vaccine damage?
Damages and compensation for pain and suffering
claim now.

Have you suffered health problems or secondary illnesses in connection with a corona vaccination?

Currently, more and more reports of vaccine damage In the vast majority of cases, vaccinations proceed without any problems or complications. However, if complications arise after a vaccination, they are often serious and long-lasting. The question arises as to whether—and against whom—the injured party is entitled to compensation for the damage incurred.

Were you with BioNTech-Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Novavax or Johnson & Johnson vaccinated and have been suffering from severe vaccine side effects for more than 6 months?

Contact us today for your initial consultation! To ensure we can provide you with the best possible advice, please take three minutes to answer a few questions. We will then contact you promptly by phone. Together, we will determine how you can be compensated for your health impairments.

Get advice now from our experienced R&U lawyers.
We will examine your claim for compensation and damages.

Have you suffered vaccine damage and would you like to assert your claims?

In order to give you the best possible advice, please take 3 minutes to answer the following questions.
We will contact you shortly afterwards.

ISC - New request


What was the professional reason?
Do you have documents that can prove the professional reason?

Maximum file size: 10MB

Which vaccine were you vaccinated with?
Please select the vaccine that is responsible for your vaccine injury.
The batch number of the vaccine can be found in the vaccination certificate (printed or digital).

legal expenses insurance

Did you have legal expenses insurance at the time the vaccination caused the damage?

Accident insurance

Please complete the following data

Please state here how much you can prove you have spent on medical treatment, for example.

Maximum file size: 40MB

Maximum file size: 60MB

- Copy of your yellow vaccination record (front and back!) - Immunological blood count (see attachment for request form with prices and explanation) - All medical diagnoses since the vaccination(s) (If you do not yet have medical reports, please request them directly from your doctors.) - Overview of your health insurance benefits for the last 5 years (please inform your insurance company that you need a list of the treating doctors and the ICD10 codes) - Notice according to Section 60 IfSG (care benefits) (if applicable) - Notice regarding the degree of disability (if applicable) - Notice regarding the care level (if applicable) - Notification to the Paul Ehrlich Institute or other authorities (if applicable) - Sickness diary (please provide a daily/weekly list of symptoms including dates), you can also send this to us at a later date - List of any other material damages, calculated according to amount (if applicable) - Please also send us a detailed description of the circumstances (your state of health BEFORE and AFTER vaccination)


How can we contact you?

academic title

Bank details

privacy policy
Terms and Conditions
online mandate
The online assignment of the mandate enables smooth cooperation and faster processing, as the lawyers can immediately take action out of court.

Documents for granting mandates

You will receive a completed copy of all documents by email.
Power of attorney
value fee notice
cancellation policy
Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse to draw your signature in the field. Alternatively, you can use your finger or a compatible stylus to draw your signature on the screen.

In the event that you have legal expenses insurance and your legal expenses insurance provides coverage, you will of course only pay any agreed deductible.

Maximum file size: 40MB

Maximum file size: 40MB

processing status

time of initial consultation
success fee agreement

Maximum file size: 20MB



filing system


Send email
Reminders are sent automatically after 3 and 6 days.

Important documents for download

Documents for issuing mandates in cases of vaccine damage
client information
requisition form IMD 1
requisition form IMD 2

We need the following documents from you

  • Vaccination card (not vaccination certificates)
  • Personal description of health history
  • Diagnoses, doctor's reports, laboratory values, blood counts
  • Release from medical confidentiality
  • Optional: Determination notice from the responsible pension office

For continuous documentation of the state of health, the Keeping a medical diaryto file an action at the latest upon the decision.

In an interview with FOCUS online, lawyer Dr. Marco Rogert explains which requirements must be met for a lawsuit and what has changed since the start of the vaccination campaign.

Was ist ein Impfschaden?

What is vaccine damage?

The term “vaccine damage“ refers to the health and economic consequences of damage to health that goes beyond the usual extent of a vaccination reaction (“vaccination complication”).

§ 2 No. 11 IfSG

Claim compensation now

If there is vaccine damage, various claims for damages may be considered (among others):

  • Medical costs and medical treatment
  • Pain and suffering compensation / pain and suffering pension
  • Household management damage
  • loss of earnings
  • care costs
  • Funeral costs and death benefits

Take advantage of our initial telephone consultation and let our R&U team of attorneys review your case. We will provide you with comprehensive advice on your options and the best course of action.

Marco Rogert
Quote Start

Side effects reported to the EMA

With regard to the statistical evaluation of the reported vaccine side effects, we refer to the current summary of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

EMA list of side effects by vaccine:
Comirnaty (BioNTech, Pfizer) »
Spikevax (Moderna) »

Are you with a Covid vaccine from BioNTech-Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Novavax or Johnson & Johnson Have you been immunized and are suffering from vaccine side effects? Contact us and we will advise you on your options.

Entitlement to legal aid?

If you do not have the financial means to pay for a procedure, you can Apply for legal aid (PKH).

Legal aid process
Legal aid is usually granted in accordance with Section 114 of the Code of Civil Procedure granted. To apply for legal aid, you must complete a declaration of personal and financial circumstances and attach all relevant documents. You can then send these to us. We will then take care of the application in court.

Once legal aid is granted, the costs are billed directly to the state treasury. You will either be reimbursed in full or (partially) in installments.

Professional advice & support

We offer professional legal advice. Take advantage of this opportunity and seek expert advice. We look forward to speaking with you.


Questions & advice on vaccine damage

How do you prove vaccine damage?

First of all, the injured party only has to prove the low probability of harm caused by the vaccine. 

To provide evidence of vaccine injury, a written diagnosis from a physician is useful. It may be important that the patient's verbally described symptoms are reflected in the treating physician's written findings. 

Therefore, vaccine-injured patients are advised to keep a medical diary, which also includes a record of their visits to the doctor, in order to document the most precise possible picture of the course of the illness and the contents discussed verbally with the doctor.
This helps those affected to be able to present their complaints in a documented form even after the fact, which is relevant for the amount of compensation.

What severe symptoms often occur in cases of vaccine injury?

The most common symptoms of vaccine damage include:
– Inflammations of the heart muscle such as myocarditis and pericarditis
– Vascular diseases such as thrombosis, including cerebral vein thrombosis or sinus vein thrombosis
– Nerve damage such as tremor – an uncontrolled shaking

Can an immunological blood test help prove vaccine damage?

If vaccine damage is suspected, it is recommended to have an immunological blood count performed, which determines the immune status based on the TH1 and TH2 values.
In the best case scenario, a doctor, expert or medical service will determine, based on laboratory results, that vaccine damage is likely.

What documents are needed to file a lawsuit?

Photocopy of the vaccination card (not the vaccination certificates) and, if possible, the information sheet
Personal description of the health history, e.g. in a medical diary
Any existing diagnoses, doctor's reports, laboratory results, blood counts
Optional: Determination notice from the responsible pension office

These documents prove that the person has been vaccinated and that the resulting health damage is a possible consequence of the vaccination.

Who is liable for vaccine damage?

The question of liability for vaccine damage primarily concerns the manufacturer of the vaccine.

How high can the compensation be?

Compensation for pain and suffering and a compensation pension are recoverable, as are material damages such as loss of earnings and co-payments for medication. In cases of lasting damage to the immune system or severe permanent injuries, compensation in the six-figure range—approximately €150,000—can be expected.

Who is entitled to benefits from the social security office?

According to the Infection Protection Act (IfSG), individuals who have suffered harm as a result of mandatory or publicly recommended vaccinations are entitled to benefits, which must be applied for at the social security office of the respective federal state. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the health department can provide assistance in clarifying the case and initiating the compensation process. If the social security office rejects the application, legal recourse can be taken to the social courts. A much more attractive option, however, is a civil lawsuit against the manufacturer. Claims for compensation in the form of material and non-material damages (compensation for pain and suffering) may be filed against the manufacturer.

When do we speak of vaccine damage?

Vaccine damage can be assumed if, as in the Section 2 No. 11 Vaccination Protection Act (IfSG) described, the immune reaction goes beyond the usual extent of a vaccination reaction and thus has serious health and economic consequences for those affected.
It is also a vaccine injury if the vaccination was carried out with pathogens capable of reproduction and relatives or third parties have to suffer health and economic consequences because they were infected by the pathogens of the vaccinated person.

What do health insurance companies cover?

In the event of vaccine damage, health insurance companies cover the medical treatment costs of their insured members. Section 63 (6) IfSG goes with reference to § 20 Federal Constitutional Court Act It is clearly stated that a certain proportion of the treatment costs covered will be reimbursed by the state to the health insurance funds.

What does legal protection insurance cover?

If medical malpractice or incorrect advice is involved, legal expenses insurance provides protection when asserting claims for damages. Depending on the coverage, it covers legal costs. However, legal expenses insurance only applies if the contract was in place three months before the damage occurred.

Am I entitled to legal aid?

If you do not have the financial means to pay for a procedure, you can Apply for legal aid (PKH). Through legal aid, the state covers the costs incurred by the court and the client’s own lawyer. Only your own costs are covered.
The costs are then billed directly to the state treasury. The affected person is either exempt from the costs entirely or reimbursed (partially) in installments.
Even if you apply for legal aid, you still have the right to choose your own lawyer. The court will then assign you the lawyer you prefer upon request. We will, of course, submit this application for you.

What requirements must be met to be granted legal aid?

Legal aid (PKH) is usually granted in accordance with Section 114 of the Code of Civil Procedure It is important to note that due to your personal and financial circumstances, you may not be able to raise the necessary financial resources for the process at all, only partially, or only in installments (financial needHowever, the lawsuit must not be completely hopeless and there must be no legal expenses insurance that would cover the costs.
If you would like to apply for legal aid, please contact us; we will apply for it for you when you file your lawsuit.

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or call us: 
+49 (0)211 / 819770

We are available for you 24/7.
