Vaccine damage after mRNA vaccination more severe than expected

Since the beginning of Rogert & Ulbrich campaign vaccine damage Attorney Ulbrich has already conducted more than 200 initial consultations. This resulted in alarming findings regarding vaccination consequences regarding the Vaccines from Moderna and Biontech. From the descriptions of the telephone conversations conducted, two alternative courses of vaccination consequences emerged as typical in terms of time.

On the one hand, the course of neurological consequences is described as follows:

  1. Severe headaches occurring in connection with the vaccination, some of which cannot be treated with painkillers or migraine medication.
  2. Pain spreads throughout the body and leads to pain symptoms in multiple places at different times - often in joints in conjunction with a tingling sensation under the feet or in the hands, often also associated with swelling of the lymph node system under the arms, up to tennis ball-sized nodes.
  3. Physical weakness occurs and the feeling arises that one can no longer lift one's arm or climb the stairs because the limbs no longer respond to brain commands and every movement is difficult.
  4. Sensory disturbances and numbness also occur - often only after several weeks.
  5. The numbness turns into paralysis – although a (changed) transmission of sensation still arrives from the paralyzed areas.
  6. In combination with paralysis, uncontrollable twitching occurs, similar to a tremor, which can occur uncontrollably anywhere on the body.
  7. The paralysis worsens and in some cases leads to paraplegia and incontinence.

On the other hand, there are always side effectswhich are described by the manufacturers as supposedly rare side effects, such as myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium):

  1. Extreme fatigue and lack of motivation occurs after the vaccination.
  2. Climbing stairs is difficult, and even walking just a few meters leads to breathlessness and sweating.
  3. Fever.
  4. Stabbing pains in the chest associated with other pains in the body that indicate inflammation.
  5. In some cases, the diagnosis is a heart attack – often later corrected to myocarditis due to the muscle breakdown caused by the inflammation of the heart muscle
  6. Inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) also occurs in combination with inflammation of the pericardium (pericarditis).
  7. There are also cases of actual heart attacks or strokes or other thromboses in the body resulting in paralysis or even amputation of limbs.
  8. The heart's pacemaker has also failed in clients who have survived. They first notice an extremely fluctuating pulse, which continues to decrease until the heart stops. The survivors have to wear a pacemaker.

Vaccine damage: Clients complain about the helplessness of the medical profession

Clients seeking help report that they feel abandoned by their doctors. Many doctors refuse to recognize the connection between the side effects and the vaccination.

The basic attitude of the medical profession must be seen against the background that they had been assured by the pharmaceutical industry and politicians that the mRNA vaccine was safe despite the short development time and the lack of studies. Vaccination doctors may also fear being held liable. Doctors are required to report suspected cases. However, fulfilling this reporting obligation takes up a lot of time, which is then not available for other tasks. In addition, no remuneration is provided for this task. According to lawyer Dr. Rogert, these may be the reasons why it does not seem particularly attractive to mention side effects of the vaccination or vaccine damage in the treatment records as the cause of the symptoms identified.

We won’t let you down after a vaccine injury!

We at Rogert & Ulbrich We have decided to support those who are more than just interested in the usual side effects the vaccination, i.e. have actually suffered vaccine damage, not to let down. Legally All that is required is a possible causality between the vaccination and the symptoms and a sufficient degree of probability in order to benefit from legal relief on the burden of proof. Diagnoses that indicate vaccine damage are helpful in this regard.

Are you also affected? Then let us advise you free of charge and without obligation.

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