Vaccine victims demand compensation from BioNTech and Moderna

mRNA vaccine manufacturers are being sued

Post-Vac Syndrome: Statistically, around 37,000 people could be affected

In recent months, the topic of vaccine damage has received more and more attention in the media and the debate about how to deal with post-vaccine sufferers is ongoing. The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) assumes that around 0.02 percent of serious side effects occur after a corona vaccination - which, with around 183 million vaccinations, could affect around 37,000 people in Germany. The EMA, on the other hand, has reported a large number of serious vaccine damages. Normally, the number of unreported cases is assumed to be 100:1, so that for every reported case there are 100 unreported cases. On this basis, one must assume that there are millions of serious cases in Europe. The law firm considers this scenario to be significantly more likely.

So far, 1,200 people have applied for state benefits due to vaccine damage. However, only a small proportion of the applications are approved. At the same time, those who have suffered vaccine damage are therefore choosing the support of the Rogert & Ulbrich law firm to sue directly against the manufacturers of the mRNA vaccines from BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna. Post-vaccine patients are suing for compensation for pain and suffering and damages.

Marburg University Hospital offers post-vaccine outpatient clinic

Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Schieffer is a cardiologist and offers a consultation hour for post-vaccine patients at the University Hospital of Marburg (UKGM Marburg). People who experience long-lasting, sometimes serious, side effects from vaccination are treated there. According to Professor Bernhard Schieffer, those most affected are athletic people and young women.

Rogert & Ulbrich represents more than 600 vaccine victims

The R&U law firm already represents over 600 women, men and young people suspected of having suffered damage from the mRNA vaccine. Dr. Marco Rogert: "These days, this topic is being discussed more openly. But that does not change the enormous suffering of my clients. In addition to compensation for pain and suffering, our clients are concerned that the now horrendous medical costs are covered. Because many treatments that alleviate the symptoms of post-vaccine syndrome are not covered by health insurance companies."

What do you have to consider if you want to sue an mRNA vaccine manufacturer?

Attorney Rogert makes it clear that a lawsuit can only be successful for those affected who have objective confirmation of vaccine damage. This confirmation can be an official determination, a positive finding from an independent expert or a positive result of an examination carried out by a doctor. The latter also includes a specially prepared blood test that shows evidence of damage caused by the spike protein of the mRNA vaccine.

Read the full interview with Dr. Marcor Rogert on FOCUS online.

Have you been sick since the mRNA vaccination with Comirnaty from BioNTech-Pfizer or Spikevax from Moderna?

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